I will pay you $1,000.00 to
Make 2018 Extraordinary

America was once an extraordinary nation.
The most prosperous and admired nation on earth.

Today the U.S. is bankrupt and despised around the world..

It would be great if America could just be an "ordinary" nation.
Tragically, the U.S. today is extraordinarily evil.

If people like Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and John Hancock could travel through time from their day to ours, and look around at the government they created, they would be appalled, angry, disgusted, outraged. They would not be surprised to learn that some foreigners call the United States "the Great Satan."

What happened to transform America this way?
Can the transformation be reversed?
Can you play a part in America's restoration?

Not right now.
You are not a transformer, you are being transformed -- by the same downward forces that are destroying America.

Most people in the world think Americans are selfish, pampered jerks.
They think you are a jerk.
Are they wrong?

No, they are correct.
Maybe you are better than most Americans (or you wouldn't be reading this), but that's a very low standard.
If America's Founders could sit down for a few minutes and talk with you about what's important to you, and how you spend your day, and whether you are risking your life, your fortune, and your sacred honor (as the Signers of the Declaration of Independence did) to make America a shining City upon a Hill, they would say YOU are, let's just say, less than ordinary compared to Americans in their day.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!
Sam Adams,
speaking at the State House in Philadelphia, “to a very numerous audience” on August 1, 1776

Not only are you not an extraordinary American like those in 1776, you're just an ordinary American like those in 2018.
"Go from us!" "May posterity forget you!"
Harsh words.

If you'll follow my advice, 2018 will be the most extraordinary year of your life.

You will become

  • An Extraordinary American,
• An Extraordinary Christian,
  • An Extraordinary Human Being

Those were the three goals of Samuel Adams in the first letter he wrote to America through a network of communication known as "The Committees of Correspondence." (Actually, they were not "goals." Adams was saying his countrymen need to guard the extraordinary things Americans already had. But we've lost them, so now they are "goals" for ordinary Americans in 2018.)

If you follow my advice, reporting back to me every day on your progress, and you do not achieve these results, I will pay you $1,000.00.

If you do achieve these extraordinary results, then you certainly ought to pay me what an extraordinary life coach would charge you. Probably about 10x that amount.

But I'm not going to force you. I won't take you to court if you don't write me a check for $10,000. If you don't spontaneously and voluntarily pay me what this program is worth, then I have failed to transform you in an extraordinary way.

Here's my advice, in two easy steps.

Step One: Admit you're a victim of educational malpractice

Step Two: Go back to school

I'll spoon-feed you a Biblical worldview curriculum every day for the next 12 months.

If you complete my assignments,

you will experience
the most profound, beneficial, 
massive, and lasting
personal transformation of your entire life.

If I'm wrong, I will send you a bank cashier's check for $1,000.00.

You can sign up to receive this online curriculum for FREE.

I'll take you step-by-step through FIVE BOOKS - Five of the most important books in the history of "Western Civilization" (which is really Christian Civilization).

I'll teach you FIVE THINGS you need to make 2018 the most extraordinary year of your life.

Here are those FIVE THINGS in a nutshell (details on down this page):

Five Things You Need to Know

Thing #1: The Three Goals for You from Samuel Adams
-- and why you must achieve them.
Thing #2: The Three Subjects Banned From Your Government-Approved Education
-- and why you must access them.
Thing #3: The Three Huge Mistakes America's Founding Fathers Made
-- and why you must avoid them.
Thing #4: The Three Most Hated Words in Politics Today
-- and why you must adopt them.
Thing #5: The Three Things You Need to Become Extraordinary
-- and why you must activate them.

I'll tell you all about those FIVE THINGS in just a minute.

But first, a word from our Sponsor, a small, non-profit tax-exempt organization called Vine & Fig Tree.

Vine & Fig Tree

The name "Vine & Fig Tree" comes from the fourth chapter of the prophet Micah, and is set forth below. You've probably heard Micah's words before -- we beat our "swords into plowshares" and everyone dwells safely under his own "Vine & Fig Tree." You may have heard other things Micah said:

He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the L
ORD require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8

America's Founding Fathers were familiar with this vision: "Vine & Fig Tree" is the worldview that made America "the greatest nation on God's green earth." This vision, combined with Christian morality, made America the most prosperous and admired nation on earth. The Federal Government subsequently repudiated the idea that America is a Christian nation, and the U.S. has gone from prosperity to bankruptcy, and from admiration to ridicule.

George Washington's Diaries are available online at the Library of Congress. The LOC.GOV website introduces Washington's writings with these words:
No theme appears more frequently in the writings of Washington than his love for his land. The diaries are a monument to that concern. In his letters he referred often, as an expression of this devotion and its resulting contentment, to an Old Testament passage. After the Revolution, when he had returned to Mount Vernon, he wrote the Marquis de Lafayette on Feb. 1, 1784:

"At length my Dear Marquis I am become a private citizen on the banks of the Potomac, & under the shadow of my own Vine & my own Fig-tree."

This phrase occurs at least 11 times in Washington's letters.

"And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree" (2 Kings 18:31).

"Under My Own Vine and Fig Tree, 1798" by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, Lora Robins Collection of Virginia Art, Virginia Historical Society
Under My Own Vine and Fig Tree, 1798
Jean Leon Gerome Ferris
Virginia Historical Society
Lora Robins Collection of Virginia Art

      Peter Lillback, author of a 1,000-page study of Washington's life and thought, has found more than 40 references to the  “Vine and Fig Tree” vision in Washington's Papers.
      Many other American Founders wrote of this ideal.
      "Vine & Fig Tree" is the original "American Dream."
The phrase occurs a number of times in Scripture. These references are visual reminders of the Hebrew word for salvation, which means
  • deliverance
  • victory
  • security
  • peace
  • wholeness
  • health
  • welfare, and
  • private property free from princes and pirates.
When today's Americans hear the word "salvation," they usually think about going to heaven when they die. When the writers of the Bible used the word "salvation," they wanted you to be thinking about dwelling safely under your own Vine & Fig Tree during this life -- much more often than they wanted you to be thinking about what you'll be doing in the afterlife.

The best place to see the Vine & Fig Tree ideal is in the book of Micah.

 Let's look at Micah's prophecy (on the left) and ask a few questions (on the right):
And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains
And it will be raised above the hills
  Are we in the "last days?"

When did this establishment take place?

And the peoples will stream to it.
And many nations will come and say,
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
And to the House of the God of Jacob,
Is Christianity doomed to minority status throughout history? Hasn't Christianity been growing since the first century?
That He may teach us about His ways
And that we may walk in His paths."
For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
  What should be the Christian's attitude toward the Law? Isn't every Word of a "Lord" "Law?"
And He will judge between many peoples
And render decisions for mighty, distant nations.
Then they will hammer their
swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation will not lift up sword against nation
And never again will they train for war.
Are we commanded to beat our swords into plowshares today? Or do we wait for the Second Coming?

Are Christians "pacifists?"
And each of them will sit under his   What is a family? What is "Patriarchy?"
What about private property?
Vine and under his  fig tree,
With no one to make them afraid.
For the LORD of hosts has spoken.
What about technology? What about the military? What is it that really brings "security?"
Though all the peoples walk
Each in the name of his god,
As for us, we will walk
In the Name of the LORD our God
forever and ever.
  What if all the politicians, university professors, TV commentators, bloggers, newspaper editors, rock stars, scientists, CEO's, celebrities, athletes, authors, and think-tanks repudiate the Vine & Fig Tree vision and tell you not to believe it?
In that day, saith the LORD,
will I assemble her that halteth,
and I will gather her that is driven out,
and her that I have afflicted;
And I will make her that halted a remnant,
and her that was cast far off a strong nation:
and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion
from henceforth, even for ever.
Should we strive to be on top, or to help those on the bottom? Is God on the side of those who have accomplished much by their own power and initiative, or is He on the side of those who are willing to be used by God to accomplish much to His Glory?

Distilled into a single proposition, Vine & Fig Tree stands for this:

Jesus is the Christ Today

As we begin 2018, almost nobody believes that statement to be true.

Most people might think that the juxtaposition of "Jesus" and "Christ" is obvious.

But when you dig deeper, it appears that this is the most controversial proposition on planet earth.

And -- most surprisingly -- the vast, overwhelming majority of professing, church-going (or non-churching) Christians do not believe that Jesus is the Christ today.

This website defends the proposition that Jesus is the Messiah right now, and has fulfilled or is fulfilling all the "messianic prophecies" -- even those prophecies most Christians reserve for "the millennium."

Jesus is the Christ.

The two most controversial words in that statement are the words "IS" and "THE."


Most church-going Christians believe that Jesus will become the Messiah at a future Christmas, a future advent, a future "Second Coming." But the word "IS" -- present tense -- is the wrong word to use about Jesus being the Messiah. To say that Jesus "is" the Messiah is to say that He already became the Messiah and began ruling in the past. The word "preterit" is from the Latin word for "past," and the idea that Jesus began ruling as Messiah in the past is called "the heresy of preterism." 


The word "Christ" also has many meanings. The basic meaning is "anointed," as in "king" (Matthew 21:5 ), e.g., "King of Israel" (John 1:49). Jesus is also called a "Ruler" (Micah 5:2), a "Potentate" (1 Timothy 6:15 ), a "Governor" (Matthew 2:6 ), a "Captain" (Hebrews 2:10 ), a "Prince" (Isaiah 9:6 ), and many other words (some of which we aren't familiar with in our day, like "Horn" [Luke 1:69 ]) which are political in nature.

Many political terms can be inferred:

Our point is that Jesus is the -- THE -- the ONLY -- legitimate king, prince, ruler, president, prime minister, governor, legislator, judge, and potentate. If we simply practice what we preach -- by obeying His commandments -- we will have a peaceful, orderly, and prosperous society. All other earthly kings, princes, rulers, presidents, prime ministers, governors, legislators, judges, and potentates are illegitimate usurpers and anti-Christ.

I know what you're thinking. "What are you, some kind of ANARCHIST?" That suspicion is the kind of thing we were all taught in schools run by earthly kings, princes, rulers, presidents, prime ministers, governors, legislators, judges, and potentates. We are never taught what Jesus taught.

Jesus said the kings of the gentiles love to impose their will on other people by political and military force, but Christ's followers are not to do these things (Mark 10:42-45). Mark uses the Greek word from which we get our English word "anarchist." He says the kings of the Gentiles love to be "archists." But Christians are NOT to be "archists." So some folks will say all this talk about Jesus being THE Ruler -- the only legitimate Ruler -- will lead to "anarchy." Obeying Jesus as the Christ will certainly lead to the elimination of bloodthirsty empires and their Caesars, Pharaohs, and Führers. But it will certainly not lead to chaos and lawlessness (which is what most people have been trained to think of when they hear the word "anarchism" or contemplate the absence of "archists" in the swordless Kingdom of Christ).

Taken together, the two words "IS" and "THE" are branded as the heresy of "anarcho-preterism."

If you're a "heresy hunter," you're welcome to join the rest of us who want to become extraordinary Christians. But you probably won't be happy with us. We're more concerned with growing our selves than with condemning others. (We try not to condemn people who want to remain ordinary, but we won't let them stop us from becoming extraordinary.)

If you're open-minded, like the Bereans, I'd like to make you an offer. Give me 365 days to persuade you to become an "anarcho-preterist." Tell me each day whether I failed or succeeded in persuading you of that day's premise in my year-long syllogism. If I persuade you to become an "anarcho-preterist," 2018 will have been the most extraordinary year of your life. If I fail to persuade you, even though you heard me out, I'll pay you $1,000.00 for your time.

Vine & Fig Tree offers a one-year coaching/education program guaranteed to make 2018 the most extraordinary year of your life. If you're not satisfied that the program created this result, you can ask for your money back, and it will be refunded, promptly and quietly (no denouncing you all over social media).

If you would like, you can try the program for free for the next 95 days.

Listen to a 95-minute tour
of the 95-Day Orientation Program.

95-Day Orientation Program
5 Things You Need to Know
5 Books You Need to Read

Foundational Admission:
You are a Victim of Educational Malpractice

Five Things You Need to Know

Thing #1: The Three Goals for You from Samuel Adams
-- and why you must achieve them.
Thing #2: The Three Subjects Banned From Your Government-Approved Education
-- and why you must access them.
Thing #3: The Three Huge Mistakes America's Founding Fathers Made
-- and why you must avoid them.
Thing #4: The Three Most Hated Words in Politics Today
-- and why you must adopt them.
Thing #5: The Three Things You Need to Become Extraordinary
-- and why you must activate them.

Thing #1:     
The Three Challenges of Samuel Adams
and why you must achieve them.


1st Goal: Be A REAL American

          Day 1:  A Real American believes in "the American Dream": Vine & Fig Tree  details
    Day 2:  A Real American believes that the Declaration of Independence is really true. details
    Day 3:  A Real American Opposes Tyranny. (Americans today demand it.) details
    Day 4:  A Real American isn't afraid to be called an "alarmist" details
    Day 5:  A Real American Prefers Liberty Under God, over "Security under Man" (or you deserve neither liberty nor security) details
    Day 6:  A Real American is willing to Risk something to protect "Liberty Under God" details
    Day 8:  A True American is also a Christian. details
    Day 7:  "How do you know?" | audio answer | details

Samuel Adams' 2nd Goal: Be A GENUINE Christian

    Day   9:   A True Christian is a Follower of Christ (Messiah), the Prince of Peace. details
    Day 10:  Berean: "People of the Book" -  The Bible details
    Day 11:  Berean: Daily questions human authority in light of the Bible details
    Day 12:  A Genuine Christian  is not afraid to be called a "Creationist" details
    Day 13:  A Genuine Christian  is not afraid to be called a "Pacifist" details
    Day 14:  A Genuine Christian  is not afraid to be called an "Extremist" details
    Day 15:  A True Christian is not afraid to be called a "Theocrat" details
    Day 16:  A True Christian is not afraid to be called a "Utopian" details
    Day 17:  Forgiven by Imputation, not ecclesiastical works details
    Day 18:  Performs "works of mercy" | audio details
    Day 19:  Justification by Allegiance: How to Become a Christian [pdf] details
    Day 20:  Judges one religion to be true, and all others to be false. details

3rd Goal: Be TRULY Human

           "What is the chief end of man?" A question every child in America could answer in 1776.
    Day 21: Glorify God - Humility - You are not God. details
    Day 22: Enjoy Him forever - Gratitude details
    Day 23: Exercise Dominion over the earth. Not worship the earth. details
    Day 24: God Created Human Beings Male and Female details
    Day 25: Pleasing to God -- "Well done, thou good and faithful businessman." details

Iron Sharpens Iron


Thing #2:     
Three Subjects
Banned From Your 
Government-Approved Education
-- and why you must access them.
You are a Victim of Educational Malpractice.


Public Schools in America were originally created to teach everyone the Bible


Religion, Morality, Knowledge - America's "Organic Law"

    Day 26:  "Necessary for Good Government and the Happiness of Mankind" - Not an elective, but the common core of a decent education in every public school in America, 1776. details
  Religion of Jesus Christ details
    Day 27: - Vertical Relationship - The Horror of Atheism • atheists banned: the importance of our relationship to God once pervaded society. A nation "Under God" is a religious nation. details
    Day 28: Creator-Creature Distinction - Man is not God - The State is not God details
    Day 29: Man is Broken - "The Fall" details
    Day 30: Atonement: The Politics of Guilt and Pity - Sado-Masochism - Scapegoating details
    Day 31: The One and the Many - Unity and Diversity details
    Day 32:  Horizontal: relations with others              source of liberty, "rights"       details
    Day 33: "national morality" details
    Day 34: -- Not just the "3 R's" (literacy) - knowledge of how the world works
Providence + Capitalism vs. Mercantilism/Socialist Central Planning
    Day 35: • knowledge vs. "self-esteem"
          the prosperous discharge of a lawful calling (work) brings self-esteem

Thing #3:     
 Three Huge Mistakes America's Founders Made

-- and why you must avoid them

    Day 36: We don't worship the Founding Fathers. details
Huge Mistake Number One: "Rights"
    Day 37: The Myth of "Human Rights." Humanistic attack on moral duty. details
    Day 38: "Entitlements" are destroying this nation details
Huge Mistake Number Two: Revolution
They took up arms to abolish the government
by force and violence, murdering Christians from Britain
    Day 39: Just plain wrong. Romans 13 -- Sermon on the Mount details
    Day 40:  U.S. Overthrowing Governments Today.
              Global Revolution: War, Imperialism, CIA Overthrow,
              "National Defense," Foreign Policy,  Blowback.
              Trillions of dollars diverted, millions of lives lost
Huge Mistake Number Three: Restoration of Representative Regulation
    Day 41: Who has the right to steal, coerce, torture, or delegate these sins to someone else? details
    Day 42: Bonus Non-Mistake: no “Rapture.” Novus Ordo Seclorum. details
Each and every day, as you read the Bible and the other important texts in the Samuel Adams Coaching Program,, you should reflect on these three huge mistakes and ask three questions:
1. Rights:
  • Am I here to get or to give?
  • Am I here to demand my rights or to obey my duties?
  • Am I entitled or am I obligated?
  • Am I owed or do I owe?

When you speak about God's Commandments rather than "the rights of man," are you prepared to be called a "theocrat?"

2. Revolution:
  • Is "Rebellion Against Tyrants Obedience to God?" Really?
  • Should we preach to tyrants until they are converted, or should we assassinate them?
  • What is the Christ-like way to move sheeple and their wolf-tyrants to "Liberty Under God" and the Vine & Fig Tree society?
  • "Tyranny" and "liberty" are abstractions. The Bible says "Honor the king." You honor the king by not treating him as an abstraction or a conspiracy theory, and treating him as a human being created in the Image of God. Do you know a tyrant? Witness to him. Do you know someone who profits from tyranny? Witness to her. Are you prepared with an anti-tyranny apologetic?

When you speak about being "subject" to tyrants rather than asserting your "Second Amendment Rights," or assassinating tyrants, are you prepared to be called a "pacifist?"

3. "Representation":
  • Is it legitimate for me to grab my entitlements by "voting" for a "representative" to get them for me?
  • Is it legitimate for me to overthrow a foreign government so I can increase my corporate profits or lower my gas prices by "voting" for a "representative" to send the CIA or the Marines?
  • Is it legitimate for me to take money from my neighbor by "voting" for a "representative" to "tax" him?
  • Would the world be worse off or better off without any "archists" (people who believe they have the right to impose their will on others by force) at all?
  • Would the world be better off or worse off if all archists resigned and got jobs in the private sector?

When you speak about the superiority of Free Enterprise over socialism, and when you dream about markets freed from archists, are you prepared to be called an "anarchist?"

 Thing #4:     
 The Three Most Hated Words in Politics Today
-- and why you must embrace them
These three words
all stem from the Three Huge Mistakes  
that America's Founders made.
These three hated concepts are the only way to reverse those three huge mistakes.

Most Hated Word #1 - THEOCRACY!
    Day 43: God Rules - Isaiah 33:22 | 
               Not "Government by Ayatollahs" - Priestly Police State
Most Hated Word #2 - PACIFISM
    Day 44:  The opposite of violent revolution against tyrannical invaders: 
                no "national defense."
Most Hated Word #3 - ANARCHISM
    Day 45:  Jesus prohibits His followers from being "archists." Case closed. details
    Day 46: Bonus Word: Preterism - optimilllennialism, not pessimillennialism details

Thing #5:     
The Three Things You Need to Become Extraordinary
-- and why you must activate them

  • A Curriculum - Content
  • A Coach - Accountability
  • A Community - Support
1st Extraordinary Thing: An Extraordinary Curriculum

Our Curriculum: Five Books to Read

Five Books - Five Classes

Read Five of the Most Important Works
in the History of Western Civilization
in 365 Days

  Substitute one hour of our program for one hour of the Mainstream Media
Each book and accompanying resources is the equivalent of one college-level class.
Weekly live webinar "office hours." Email. All your questions answered.
Our 365-day Coaching Program is the equivalent of two years of college.
No exams -  just profound personal transformation. 
We assume you know "the 3 R's" -- You made it to this website
We assume you don't know "the 3 R's" - We provide audio in case you can't read.
    Day 47: The Importance of Ideas -Foundation: Ideas Have Consequences
             inevitability: Islam, Marxism
    Day 48  • The Importance of History - Avoiding mistakes - Lay a Foundation for the Future
                Ask Three Questions
    Day 49  • Daily Devotion -- Not just Sunday. Doing "religion, morality, and knowledge" every day of the week will transform your entire life. No day is secular. details
    Day 50  • Lifelong Learner -- wait 'til you see Year Two of the Program. And Year Three. Etc. Your education is not over. No matter how many degrees you have. details
  Why We Chose These Five Books to Read  
    Day 51:  1. The Bible: The Most Important Book in the History of the Human Race details
    Day 52:  2. The Westminster Standards details
    Day 53:  3. Theocracy vs. "Separation of Church and State" details
    Day 54:  4. Capitalism vs. Archism -- The Wealth of Nations details
    Day 55:  5. Optimillennialism vs. Pessimillennialism -- Hope for this planet details
  How to Read These Five Books  
    Day 56: The Bible is Our Textbook in Every Discipline details
    Day 57: Read Prayerfully  details
    Day 58: Bible: Christmas details
    Day 59: Bible: History/Chronology details
    Day 60: Bible: Psalms details
    Day 61: Bible: Proverbs details
    Day 62: Bible: Law details
    Day 63: Westminster: Theology details
    Day 64: Westminster: Duty details
    Day 65: Capitalism: Gratitude details
    Day 66: Theocracy: Character - The Rule of God in our Lives - Shapes Society details
2nd Extraordinary Thing: An Extraordinary Coach
    Day 67  Life = Race details
    Day 68: What is Coaching? details
    Day 69: The Coach as Elder details
    Day 70: Your duty to find experts details
    Day 71: Mentor/Elder/Pastor details
    Day 72: Grandfather in Deut 4, 6 | no grandkids? Adopt/Mentor details
    Day 73: FellowTraveller/Friend/Companion/Kindred Spirit details
    Day 74: About Me - Your Coach (no expert, no clergy) details
3rd Extraordinary Thing: An Extraordinary Community
    Day 75: “One Another”· | We like it details
    Day 76: Iron Sharpens Iron | We don't like it | sparks may fly details
    Day 77: Priesthood of All Believers details
    Day 78: "Cloud of Witnesses" | History | Heroes details
    Day 79: “Nouthetic Coaching”  — You are "competent to counsel" (Romans 15:14) details
  How to Be A Coach  
    Day 80: Passing on this Program to Others details
  Current Events, Recent Podcasts  
    Day 81: Contemporary Application details
  How Much Does This Program Cost?  
    Day 82: Different Costs: Price/value/opportunity details
    Day 83: Production Costs: Do it Yourself - Minimum Wage details
  How Much Should You Pay? [You should pay something]
Jesus says, "The laborer is worthy of his hire."
    Day 84: Aristotle and Alexander the Great details
    Day 85: College Tuition details
    Day 86: Pastor = double honor/labor in word details
    Day 87: Tithe to God details
  Other Alternatives: Our Competition:  
    Day 88: Centurions details
    Day 89: LibertyClassroom | Tom Woods | Ron Paul Homeschool details
  The Fine Print  
    Day 90: Money-Back Guarantee details
    Day 91: Double Your Money Back Guarantee: We will buy your blog details
    Day 92: Double, Triple, Quadruple Your Money: Affiliate Marketing details
    Day 93: Weekly Webinars -- Some weeks daily details
    Day 94: Office Hours - Email - Laser Coaching


    Day 95: Final Pitch - Fine Print details

That's the syllabus for the 95-day Orientation Program

Just sign up now.
If you're already lovin' it, if you've already benefited from this sales page, make a donation.
Sign up now! Let's get started!


This 95-day program is just a sampling of the year-long coaching program. Type your name and email in the box below, and you'll be placed on the waiting list. If you have questions, type your email address in the form below and ask away. Your question will be answered ASAP. Answering questions is a top priority for us.


Why 95 days?

On each day of our 95-day Orientation Program:


When you sign up for the year-long coaching program, you'll get

  • an email every day, telling you what the assigned readings are;
  • an audio recording of the readings -- for car, exercise, mindless work;
  • if you enroll in the year-long coaching program, you'll have access to a Members-Only Forum where additional conversation and support can be found;
  • Weekly (or more often) live Q&A webinars; share progress, encourage one another.
  • unlimited email questions to your coach
    • ask a question about the readings
    • ask for more proof or supporting evidence
    • ask about how to implement a lesson in your daily life
  • Other coaches charge 10 times as much for a fraction of the virtue.


Kevin Craig

  • Who is Kevin Craig

  • What is "Vine & Fig Tree"

  • What is "Personal Coaching"

  • Is this coaching program for me?
  • Do I have to travel anywhere to get coached?
  • "How do I get started?"

Please mail your donation check to:

Vine & Fig Tree, Inc. 
PO Box 179,
Powersite, MO 65731

Alternatively, you can use PayPal to safely transfer funds.

This website is "under construction." For more info, see our sister sites,
George Washington Coaching.com
and The Anarchist Bible Bet.com.